Ranger’s Apprentice The Early Years 1: The Tournament at Gorlan, John Flanagan


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Long before they became heroes, Crowley is a young Ranger without a fief to call his own, and Halt is on the run from a distant land … A treacherous baron called Morgarath is drawing other power-hungry nobles tot his banner. King Oswald is wasting away, and Prince Duncan is – if gossip is to be believed – causing havoc in the north. Halt and Crowley set out to find the prince and seek his help, then reform the weakened Ranger Corps. Once-loyal Rangers are scattered across the country. Can they be brought together to fight for their Kingdom? The two young men must ready their plans before the annual tournament at Castle Gorlan, for there will be more at stake this year than deciding the champion. If Morgarath has his way, there will be a duel to the death – and the beginning of a new reign.

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Weight 400 g