The story of Krissy Nicholson’s journey to become an aid worker and her (seemingly) never-ending story to find Mr. RightAs a free-spirited traveler, Krissy‚Äînow almost 30‚Äîneeds her life to start taking shape. So how does a wild night on a dance floor in Vietnam land her a sought-after role in Oxfam working in emergency relief? And how do the excess of the expatriate scene, a string of Mr. Wrongs, and a spate of failed romances lead to self-discovery and ultimately self-fulfillment? Against the backdrop of adrenalin-fueled disaster response, Krissy begins to understand the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Whether coordinating emergency relief work in the field, or trying to find love in all the wrong places, Krissy takes us on a heartfelt and surprising adventure.